Protect your purchase validation, integrity checking and sensitive code against reverse engineering.
We researched 500+ pirated apps and games, and asked 70+ developers and 300+ pirate users:
would buy a license if a pirated copy
wasn’t available.
would buy a license if it was on sale
or cheaper.
on average when an app gets protected
and un-pirated.
Most app developers give up on piracy and don’t use any protection mechanism.
Most app developers don’t know what to do and how to work with their pirate audience.
Most pirate users are loyal to their apps and not interested in free or alternative products.
Pirate audience is your most valuable and overlooked asset. You’ve alread sold it to them – they just haven’t paid yet.
Secretly uses advanced logic obfuscation to safeguard mission- and revenue-critical code against reverse engineering.
Secretly is not another dynamic library or plug-n-play solution – they never worked and never will.
Secretly doesn’t care what licensing mechanism you’re using, be it Paddle, Mac App Store, Setapp, Fastspring, or anything else.
Secretly doesn’t rely on frameworks, libraries, build tools, or other other dependencies that always break. It’s only your code and nothing else.
Secretly allows to obfuscate every release for hardening each build and preventing reoccurring patterns in your ASM code.
Focus on what you do best – your product, while we take care of un-pirating your app and protecting your sales!
Understand how to protect your app against reverse engineering and how Secretly can take it to the next level.
Introduction into reverse engineering, app patching and code signing.
Overview of licensing mechanisms and licensing frameworks.
Validating app integrity, file checksums and code signatures.
Working with end-to-end encryption and using SSL pinning.
Checking for debugger attachment and verifying dynamic libraries.
Overview of compiler features and different types of code obfuscation.